[ Illyriad Settlement Spot Finder ]

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You should read the next couple of lines first before you start. They might answer some of your questions.

To comply with the new data protection laws May 2018 of the European Union (GDPR) I need to inform you that all data you enter here will be electronically stored in a database on my website. This data will only be used to search for your settlement spots and will not be made available to any third parties. With hitting the "Submit"-Button you agree to this.

That being said - you next thought probably is: What do you want with MY player ID or my alliance ID? And third: And you're asking for my E-Mail Address, too!
Yes, I do. And there's a reason for this. :)
Your E-Mail Address is required because this tools creates a calculation based on your inputs.
Depending on your criteria and the number of people using this tool it could take a couple of minutes to several hours until your
request is fulfilled. Your request is put into a queue and will be worked upon when it's your turn.
You will receive an E-Mail with the results afterwards from webmaster@digioso.org .

Entering your player ID or alliance ID is optional. Depending on your criteria the tool will filter out settlement spots that are too near
to already existing cities. But what if one of these cities already belongs to you or your alliance? It would be stupid to filter out a spot because it is too near to one of your own or your alliances cities!
This is the reason why I'm asking for your player ID or alliance ID. Both IDs can be combined. This is useful for example if you are not
in this particular alliance but want to join them later.
If you don't want to enter them - that's fine. But you might miss a good spot then.
Well, that's all of the explanation for now! Now the real fun starts. :)

Your E-Mail Address

Your Player-ID (Where can you see this?): Your Alliance-ID (Where can you see this?):

You want your new settlement to be in OR between these coordinates:

Start X: Start Y: End X: End Y: (Don't know how to fill out? Check this picture!)

Which resource should the high resource spot(s) have?

It should have at least of

You want to have at least of these high resource spots around your new settlement.

And your settlement should have resource plots.

These should be distributed into

Wood, Clay, Iron, Stone, Food

You want the following amount of minimum resources in the rings around your city for sovereignty.
Please click here to see how sov resources are calculated.
Ring 1: Ring 2: Ring 3:

With the resources now clarified: How many squares can the high res plot be away from your new settlement? square(s)
Great, now let's move on to the terrain of your city. It should be located on:

Now you may choose the terrain types that are allowed to be directly around your new city:

You may also select a number of terrain types that your high resource spot is allowed to be on.

Now to your soon-to-be neighbours.
You want to see who will be around you in a radius of squares.

But you do not want them to be any nearer than squares.

We're done! Now the only thing left for you is to hit on and you'll receive an E-Mail with your results soon!


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