[ Illy Towns ]

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Inactive towns:

253 inactive towns found.

Player:Abandoned Since:Town:Race:Population:Alliance:X:/Y:
Alexander Sureswing (Abandoned)01.08.2024Lordsburg - BHuman23450Player is not in an alliance !639/-85
Alexander Sureswing (Abandoned)01.08.2024Latham - BHuman19131Player is not in an alliance !620/0
Alexander Sureswing (Abandoned)01.08.2024Bordertown - BHuman21972Player is not in an alliance !637/-2
Alexander Sureswing (Abandoned)01.08.2024Deadwood - AHuman24999Player is not in an alliance !640/-8
Lola (Abandoned)01.08.202404. Swan SongHuman14573Player is not in an alliance !984/-111
Lola (Abandoned)01.08.202403. Thirst for KnowledgeHuman11077Player is not in an alliance !975/-120
Lord Markov (Abandoned)01.08.202401 Rampart CHuman2287Order of the Owl620/30
Lord Markov (Abandoned)01.08.202408 The Tower CHuman21813Order of the Owl793/95
Nic�le Minionvelli (Abandoned)01.08.202422. EndbringerDwarf15141Player is not in an alliance !976/-136
Nic�le Minionvelli (Abandoned)01.08.202424. Breaker of CreationDwarf15662Player is not in an alliance !983/-116
Nic�le Minionvelli (Abandoned)01.08.202426. Conduit of RuinDwarf17248Player is not in an alliance !985/-123
Nic�le Minionvelli (Abandoned)01.08.202435. Bearer of SilenceDwarf18735Player is not in an alliance !991/-104
Nic�le Minionvelli (Abandoned)01.08.202423. Ceaseless HungerDwarf18558Player is not in an alliance !999/-111
Nic�le Minionvelli (Abandoned)01.08.202431. BlisterpodDwarf16565Player is not in an alliance !988/-139
Nic�le Minionvelli (Abandoned)01.08.202428. Infinite GyreDwarf26501Player is not in an alliance !989/-130
Nic�le Minionvelli (Abandoned)01.08.202433. MindmelterDwarf18395Player is not in an alliance !968/-133
Nic�le Minionvelli (Abandoned)01.08.202438. Great DistortionDwarf7673Player is not in an alliance !999/-121
Nic�le Minionvelli (Abandoned)01.08.202425. All is DustDwarf18267Player is not in an alliance !998/-139
Nic�le Minionvelli (Abandoned)01.08.202427. Butcher of TruthDwarf17787Player is not in an alliance !995/-123
SilverFawn (Abandoned)01.08.2024CarahillElf1433Order of the Owl898/-14
Tanis (Abandoned)01.08.2024North Tan EDElf22702Order of the Owl520/130
Tanis (Abandoned)01.08.2024Northside River Tan EDElf21780Order of the Owl638/-39
Tattianna (Abandoned)01.08.2024ZeconisHuman8669Order of the Owl877/229
Tattianna (Abandoned)01.08.2024UqurezorgHuman8001Order of the Owl857/200
Tattianna (Abandoned)01.08.2024RolloHuman8263Order of the Owl907/257
Tattianna (Abandoned)01.08.2024ObatalaHuman6355Order of the Owl905/253
Tattianna (Abandoned)01.08.2024NervaHuman8131Order of the Owl880/280
Winter Snowball (Abandoned)29.08.202401 FFF Class Witch DoctorOrc3256Player is not in an alliance !543/-173
Winter Snowball (Abandoned)29.08.202405 Worthless RegressionOrc1004Player is not in an alliance !538/-171
Winter Snowball (Abandoned)29.08.202403 Nano machineOrc2474Player is not in an alliance !546/-163
Winter Snowball (Abandoned)29.08.202402 OvergearedOrc4124Player is not in an alliance !551/-172
Aarti (Abandoned)19.10.2024Aarti 2Elf234Third Ring-878/537
Aarti (Abandoned)19.10.2024Aarti 3Elf117Third Ring-872/557
Aarti (Abandoned)19.10.2024AartiElf1897Third Ring-556/287
Lord Valdaron (Abandoned)22.10.2024ValdoriaHuman488Player is not in an alliance !820/-2575
blumenkind (Abandoned)29.10.2024sunfieldOrc461Player is not in an alliance !626/38
Grom (Abandoned)29.10.2024GotokOrc2338Player is not in an alliance !6/-2839
Grom (Abandoned)29.10.2024MolgothOrc463Player is not in an alliance !12/-2845
WAORC (Abandoned)29.10.2024Badnews aindaraOrc1486Roman Empire-888/-2214
WAORC (Abandoned)29.10.20240GOODNews5Orc14788Roman Empire-802/-1909
WAORC (Abandoned)29.10.20240Goodnews3Orc22925Roman Empire-798/-1949
WAORC (Abandoned)29.10.20240Goodnews4Orc21158Roman Empire-806/-1887
Thunder (Abandoned)07.11.2024DrumvilleOrc11457Player is not in an alliance !-148/99
Thunder (Abandoned)07.11.2024RumbleOrc14194Player is not in an alliance !-181/326
Thunder (Abandoned)07.11.2024NeridahOrc4028Player is not in an alliance !157/118
Noah (Abandoned)09.11.2024ArkHuman1569Third Ring438/459
Noah (Abandoned)09.11.2024Two by TwoHuman1035Third Ring453/448
Noah (Abandoned)09.11.2024GilgameshHuman877Third Ring493/456
B� the Cheese Wizard (Abandoned)11.11.2024CamembertDwarf741Player is not in an alliance !121/-490
B� the Cheese Wizard (Abandoned)11.11.2024AsiagoDwarf441Player is not in an alliance !119/-496
Giada (Abandoned)11.11.2024DaffodilsElf240Player is not in an alliance !-624/86
Privateer II (Abandoned)15.11.2024New SettlementHuman0Player is not in an alliance !-129/-396
Iron bar (Abandoned)22.11.2024The Iron ThroneDwarf1111VIKINGS-579/270
Iron bar (Abandoned)22.11.2024CrowbarDwarf730VIKINGS-609/236
Dorfsqwatch (Abandoned)24.11.2024DorftownDwarf1063Player is not in an alliance !-602/-177
Dorfsqwatch (Abandoned)24.11.2024Dorf ForestDwarf6508Player is not in an alliance !674/-191
Boomnife (Abandoned)30.11.2024WolBlastDwarf2019Dwarven Lords160/930
Boomnife (Abandoned)30.11.2024TNT VilleDwarf8836Dwarven Lords415/-512
Boomnife (Abandoned)30.11.2024Bombers PerchDwarf5427Dwarven Lords418/-507
Boomnife (Abandoned)30.11.2024C4ieaDwarf3594Dwarven Lords415/-501
Boomnife (Abandoned)30.11.2024SemtexDwarf308Dwarven Lords425/-515
Boomnife (Abandoned)30.11.2024Booms BarryDwarf7184Dwarven Lords425/-508
Nifenthebak (Abandoned)30.11.2024LowDownDwarf269Dwarven in-law896/-2136
Nifenthebak (Abandoned)30.11.2024BakDwarf22911Dwarven in-law965/-2126
Nifenthebak (Abandoned)30.11.2024Island RetreatDwarf19705Dwarven in-law968/-2129
Nifenthebak (Abandoned)30.11.2024FrontierDwarf16355Dwarven in-law954/-2120
Nifenthebak (Abandoned)30.11.2024SwitchDwarf20887Dwarven in-law932/-2138
Nifenthebak (Abandoned)30.11.2024LochbakDwarf18336Dwarven in-law944/-2140
Nifenthebak (Abandoned)30.11.2024CentrePointeDwarf17855Dwarven in-law939/-2129
Nifenthebak (Abandoned)30.11.2024RearguardDwarf15211Dwarven in-law951/-2106
Nifenthebak (Abandoned)30.11.2024SplitDwarf10059Dwarven in-law917/-2139
Zaxnife (Abandoned)30.11.2024ZorithiaDwarf1129Dwarven Lords439/-533
Zaxnife (Abandoned)30.11.2024ZpartaDwarf5451Dwarven Lords436/-524
Zaxnife (Abandoned)30.11.2024AthenzDwarf3251Dwarven Lords432/-529
Zaxnife (Abandoned)30.11.2024IthacazDwarf240Dwarven Lords424/-532
Derwynd (Abandoned)04.12.2024Mint JulepElf26879Maelstrom-418/667
Derwynd (Abandoned)04.12.2024TroutbeckElf9110Maelstrom-550/708
Derwynd (Abandoned)04.12.2024RobinElf24628Maelstrom-459/685
Derwynd (Abandoned)04.12.2024ForesterElf26077Maelstrom-533/650
Derwynd (Abandoned)04.12.2024Cerulean ArmourElf23933Maelstrom-499/687
Derwynd (Abandoned)04.12.2024Beautiful ValleyElf19951Maelstrom-546/696
Derwynd (Abandoned)04.12.2024Arth TimpleElf20309Maelstrom-527/673
Derwynd (Abandoned)04.12.2024Brig MonasteryElf27719Maelstrom-549/689
Derwynd (Abandoned)04.12.2024FincaElf25443Maelstrom-433/640
Marsh (Abandoned)04.12.2024HerbyDwarf26202Maelstrom-516/645
Marsh (Abandoned)04.12.2024SundaleDwarf27455Maelstrom-427/661
Marsh (Abandoned)04.12.2024Icy1Dwarf23092Maelstrom-570/937
Marsh (Abandoned)04.12.2024WhitescarDwarf24986Maelstrom-459/691
Marsh (Abandoned)04.12.2024MagsDwarf21047Maelstrom-461/679
Marsh (Abandoned)04.12.2024New SettlementDwarf162Maelstrom-426/709
Marsh (Abandoned)04.12.2024WineageDwarf13353Maelstrom-506/716
Marsh (Abandoned)04.12.2024AgaeteDwarf18011Maelstrom-424/653
Marsh (Abandoned)04.12.2024NoheartDwarf16323Maelstrom-534/991
Artis Terra (Abandoned)09.12.2024Artis TerraHuman0Artisan's Syndicate325/-3221
Artis Terra (Abandoned)09.12.2024Terra HeadquartersHuman520Artisan's Syndicate-161/590
Drakebeard (Abandoned)09.12.20241Dwarf505Player is not in an alliance !-609/-163
DukeDrogo (Abandoned)12.12.2024AndaliElf30935The Pirate Kings-399/-2352
DukeDrogo (Abandoned)12.12.2024AndaSixElf1670The Pirate Kings-253/-2373
DukeDrogo (Abandoned)12.12.2024AndalandElf30618The Pirate Kings515/-3058
DukeDrogo (Abandoned)12.12.2024AndalacElf31423The Pirate Kings148/186
DukeDrogo (Abandoned)12.12.2024GandalaElf31433The Pirate Kings-374/-2363
DukeDrogo (Abandoned)12.12.2024AndaliliElf31091The Pirate Kings-373/-2353
DukeDrogo (Abandoned)12.12.2024AndalarElf30874The Pirate Kings-407/-2344
DukeDrogo (Abandoned)12.12.2024Andy's Rest StopElf31396The Pirate Kings-374/-2371
DukeDrogo (Abandoned)12.12.2024AndaCastleElf30936The Pirate Kings-427/-2292
DukeDrogo (Abandoned)12.12.2024AndaOneElf32354The Pirate Kings-388/-2344
DukeDrogo (Abandoned)12.12.2024AndaTwoElf31125The Pirate Kings169/-3016
DukeDrogo (Abandoned)12.12.2024AndaThreeElf31631The Pirate Kings-207/-2878
DukeDrogo (Abandoned)12.12.2024AndaFourElf30545The Pirate Kings-388/-2357
DukeDrogo (Abandoned)12.12.2024AndaFiveElf30019The Pirate Kings-230/-2371
DukeDrogo (Abandoned)12.12.2024Andaland FortElf19047The Pirate Kings-452/-2333
Kelsier (Abandoned)12.12.2024TempreElf399Wheel of Time-611/549
Kelsier (Abandoned)12.12.2024KandorElf1400Wheel of Time-641/562
FenrisCR (Abandoned)14.12.2024HadspenHuman477Player is not in an alliance !-524/350
Movin' On (Abandoned)14.12.2024Hank SnowHuman409Player is not in an alliance !-421/-469
Osterra6 (Abandoned)14.12.2024LevhosHuman468Player is not in an alliance !617/127
Tubman (Abandoned)14.12.2024DreddHuman2306Artisan's Syndicate893/-1615
Tubman (Abandoned)14.12.2024BrownvilleHuman5791Artisan's Syndicate364/-32
Tubman (Abandoned)14.12.2024NelsonvilleHuman12376Artisan's Syndicate358/-37
Tubman (Abandoned)14.12.2024MottvilleHuman11150Artisan's Syndicate357/-9
Tubman (Abandoned)14.12.2024DouglasvilleHuman11262Artisan's Syndicate357/-2
Tubman (Abandoned)14.12.2024LewisHuman1415Artisan's Syndicate-567/-1580
Tubman (Abandoned)14.12.2024EversHuman2135Artisan's Syndicate892/-1617
Hannibal BarcaTerra1 (Abandoned)15.12.20241Human153Player is not in an alliance !-485/403
IbericusTerra2 (Abandoned)15.12.20241Human150Player is not in an alliance !608/97
Terrapin (Abandoned)15.12.2024ClutchDwarf314Player is not in an alliance !-629/7
Terrarius VI (Abandoned)15.12.2024Terra1Human502Player is not in an alliance !441/443
Hadrian3 (Abandoned)16.12.2024Axe- DeliveryHuman0Player is not in an alliance !-719/-594
Hadrian3 (Abandoned)16.12.2024T4-AxeHuman455Player is not in an alliance !-601/-132
MikoTheMighty (Abandoned)16.12.2024DIABLOHuman283Player is not in an alliance !556/552
TerraDon (Abandoned)16.12.2024AC MilanOrc453Player is not in an alliance !-561/286
Tindumiel Eleth (Abandoned)16.12.2024Starlight CitadelElf47Dusk Falls in Eden398/260
Tindumiel Eleth (Abandoned)16.12.2024Star and MoonElf2171Dusk Falls in Eden402/261
FhuA (Abandoned)18.12.2024Star OneDwarf592Player is not in an alliance !-274/-566
finres left glut (Abandoned)18.12.2024Prop of Horde-BazoonElf0Player is not in an alliance !945/-318
finres left glut (Abandoned)18.12.2024nobuttsallowedElf451Player is not in an alliance !-506/-353
Nov Terra III (Abandoned)18.12.2024Nov IIIHuman397Player is not in an alliance !-185/-592
Jules (Abandoned)19.12.2024VerneHuman305Player is not in an alliance !-215/-576
ObelixTerra1 (Abandoned)19.12.20241Human157Player is not in an alliance !-200/598
Terran2 (Abandoned)20.12.2024Just Another New SettlemeHuman480Player is not in an alliance !-615/119
jat (Abandoned)21.12.2024heimOrc522Player is not in an alliance !-576/-219
FenrisCS (Abandoned)22.12.2024Devil's GateHuman450Player is not in an alliance !866/-502
FenrisCS (Abandoned)22.12.2024Yuman's Folly IVHuman0Player is not in an alliance !-233/623
Zog (Abandoned)23.12.2024Capital CityOrc275Player is not in an alliance !-231/-505
kiki (Abandoned)24.12.2024kikiHuman450Player is not in an alliance !91/297
koko (Abandoned)24.12.2024kokoHuman111Player is not in an alliance !-610/-129
Nardi (Abandoned)24.12.2024GorgolontDwarf674The Fellowship510/357
Nardi (Abandoned)24.12.2024DonksnerfDwarf246The Fellowship501/353
Terracon (Abandoned)24.12.2024NapolsOrc453Player is not in an alliance !422/432
Terraderra (Abandoned)24.12.2024CowpensDwarf213Player is not in an alliance !631/11
DedeTerra3 (Abandoned)25.12.20241Human274Player is not in an alliance !-247/569
ErenTerra1 (Abandoned)25.12.2024TerraHuman461Player is not in an alliance !-146/607
periperi (Abandoned)25.12.2024chickenHuman455Player is not in an alliance !-600/177
FhuB (Abandoned)26.12.2024Star EhDwarf470Player is not in an alliance !409/472
finres right glut (Abandoned)26.12.2024Prop of Horde-BazoonElf0Player is not in an alliance !880/-338
finres right glut (Abandoned)26.12.2024glutus maximusElf452Player is not in an alliance !265/570
Terra for You (Abandoned)26.12.2024Terra baseHuman493Player is not in an alliance !28/612
Disaelfr (Abandoned)27.12.2024BergenElf635Player is not in an alliance !73/595
Disaelfr (Abandoned)27.12.2024AvaldsnesElf3398Player is not in an alliance !72/600
Disaelfr (Abandoned)27.12.2024HaugesundElf422Player is not in an alliance !78/609
Doc's Guitar (Abandoned)27.12.2024Black MountainHuman225Player is not in an alliance !-509/-369
Posha Saint-Amour (Abandoned)27.12.202405. Jah!Elf2109Player is not in an alliance !890/-575
Posha Saint-Amour (Abandoned)27.12.202401. Vocal was SogolonElf2079Player is not in an alliance !463/-46
Posha Saint-Amour (Abandoned)27.12.202402. For Great Justice!Elf1684Player is not in an alliance !466/-43
Posha Saint-Amour (Abandoned)27.12.202406. Run!Elf589Player is not in an alliance !469/-30
Posha Saint-Amour (Abandoned)27.12.202404. Kilroy Stonekin!Elf2263Player is not in an alliance !786/-162
Privateer (Abandoned)27.12.2024YachtHuman102Player is not in an alliance !-35/-341
Hannibal BarcaTerra2 (Abandoned)28.12.20241Human356Player is not in an alliance !59/401
Hydro5 (Abandoned)28.12.2024Terra 5Human269Player is not in an alliance !-593/-210
IbericusTerra3 (Abandoned)28.12.20241Human155Player is not in an alliance !247/581
jiji (Abandoned)28.12.2024jijiHuman111Player is not in an alliance !630/24
jojo (Abandoned)28.12.2024jojoHuman111Player is not in an alliance !215/574
PyrrhusTerra1 (Abandoned)28.12.20241Human486Player is not in an alliance !-622/89
terrat7 (Abandoned)28.12.2024homeHuman401Player is not in an alliance !-172/608
Dec Terra I (Abandoned)29.12.2024Dec Terra IHuman376Player is not in an alliance !622/66
luck (Abandoned)29.12.2024Lucky AceHuman439Player is not in an alliance !-595/200
Mochilo (Abandoned)29.12.2024MoklandDwarf473Player is not in an alliance !258/570
ObelixTerra2 (Abandoned)30.12.20241Human114Player is not in an alliance !-489/-399
Tess Tickle (Abandoned)30.12.2024Tess's placeElf362Player is not in an alliance !307/550
tyrannosaurusterraI. (Abandoned)30.12.2024terratownohyeahbabyHuman443Player is not in an alliance !521/340
Hadrian4 (Abandoned)31.12.2024T-4Human460Player is not in an alliance !-578/-210
Play (Abandoned)31.12.2024playterraDwarf109Player is not in an alliance !537/-170
Terral (Abandoned)31.12.2024Polk StreetDwarf252Player is not in an alliance !525/342
El Terra 6 (Abandoned)01.01.2025Raze me pleaseHuman47Player is not in an alliance !-422/-468
kaka (Abandoned)02.01.2025kakaHuman451Player is not in an alliance !-628/-21
kuku (Abandoned)02.01.2025kukuHuman450Player is not in an alliance !-568/-277
finres left hand (Abandoned)03.01.2025handpickedElf451Player is not in an alliance !-594/208
finres left hand (Abandoned)03.01.2025Prop of Horde-BazoonElf0Player is not in an alliance !880/-348
Pip's terra A2 (Abandoned)03.01.2025MainHuman47Player is not in an alliance !-277/4
Ben1 (Abandoned)04.01.2025Terra for BazHuman0Player is not in an alliance !520/-165
Ben1 (Abandoned)04.01.2025Ben1Human57Player is not in an alliance !446/444
FenrisCT (Abandoned)04.01.2025Harry's PalaceHuman451Player is not in an alliance !-623/-84
FhuD (Abandoned)04.01.2025Star TerrDwarf467Player is not in an alliance !618/115
Hydro6 (Abandoned)04.01.2025Terra 6Human259Player is not in an alliance !-383/-494
Mule Skinner (Abandoned)04.01.2025Blue YodelHuman68Player is not in an alliance !-525/352
Privateerette (Abandoned)04.01.2025YachtHuman94Player is not in an alliance !382/502
terrat (Abandoned)04.01.2025homeHuman85Player is not in an alliance !-603/177
YorickLXIV (Abandoned)04.01.2025SettlementDwarf93Player is not in an alliance !-118/-621
Osterra7 (Abandoned)05.01.2025LapioHuman462Player is not in an alliance !-371/-457
QSTerra3 (Abandoned)05.01.20251Human114Player is not in an alliance !578/144
DedeTerra4 (Abandoned)06.01.20251Human153Player is not in an alliance !-630/43
ErenTerraTwo (Abandoned)06.01.2025Terra CentralHuman465Player is not in an alliance !64/624
Potix (Abandoned)06.01.2025MarkosDwarf1Player is not in an alliance !-630/21
Walbtera (Abandoned)06.01.2025Wally's townElf84Player is not in an alliance !-606/-168
Aedificator (Abandoned)07.01.2025New SettlementHuman331Player is not in an alliance !-570/-273
Kurztera (Abandoned)07.01.2025TeraHuman70Player is not in an alliance !-190/602
Kurztera (Abandoned)07.01.2025Claimed aazoomHuman0Player is not in an alliance !520/-188
IbericusTerra4 (Abandoned)08.01.20251Human114Player is not in an alliance !551/296
Rudolph the red (Abandoned)08.01.2025homeHuman466Player is not in an alliance !390/483
Sven (Abandoned)08.01.2025My first townHuman461Player is not in an alliance !627/21
Dec Terra II (Abandoned)09.01.2025Terra IIHuman364Player is not in an alliance !-216/-579
El Terra 7 (Abandoned)09.01.2025El TerraHuman48Player is not in an alliance !-504/-381
juju (Abandoned)09.01.2025jujuHuman450Player is not in an alliance !-589/223
Narvimor (Abandoned)09.01.2025DeepholdDwarf441Player is not in an alliance !260/574
Sphncl_ (Abandoned)09.01.20251. 1-8-2025Orc11Player is not in an alliance !616/138
Alicia Moonshipe (Abandoned)10.01.2025New SettlementOrc0Player is not in an alliance !-561/288
finres right hand (Abandoned)10.01.2025hand-sumElf452Player is not in an alliance !54/312
finres right hand (Abandoned)10.01.2025Prop of Horde-BazoonElf0Player is not in an alliance !903/-330
hihi (Abandoned)10.01.2025hihiHuman111Player is not in an alliance !189/594
hoho (Abandoned)10.01.2025hohoHuman111Player is not in an alliance !-616/121
Pip's terra A3 (Abandoned)10.01.2025Raze meHuman47Player is not in an alliance !-307/-442
Pip's terra A3 (Abandoned)10.01.2025Property of Cpt. KirkHuman0Player is not in an alliance !534/-627
PyrrhusTerra2 (Abandoned)10.01.20251Human114Player is not in an alliance !-171/-601
Star (Abandoned)10.01.2025New SettlementDwarf0Player is not in an alliance !68/628
TurboGranny1 (Abandoned)10.01.2025New SettlementOrc0Player is not in an alliance !-395/25
TurboGranny2 (Abandoned)10.01.2025New SettlementOrc0Player is not in an alliance !625/54
baxterprecator (Abandoned)11.01.2025BaxterVilleHuman472Player is not in an alliance !400/-1578
baxterprecator (Abandoned)11.01.2025New SettlementHuman0Player is not in an alliance !-574/-222
Ben2 (Abandoned)11.01.2025Ben2Human98Player is not in an alliance !175/603
Ben2 (Abandoned)11.01.2025Terra for BazHuman0Player is not in an alliance !903/-335
hellothere (Abandoned)11.01.2025New SettlementHuman523Player is not in an alliance !-537/-314
Terra for You2 (Abandoned)11.01.2025Terra BaseHuman99Player is not in an alliance !-591/-3
terrat1 (Abandoned)11.01.2025homeHuman112Player is not in an alliance !102/529
YorickLXV (Abandoned)11.01.2025SettlementDwarf92Player is not in an alliance !-164/-600
adrian1 (Abandoned)12.01.2025Thirion SettlementHuman0Player is not in an alliance !-613/-2062
adrian1 (Abandoned)12.01.2025T-5Human459Player is not in an alliance !-423/469
Drakebeard1 (Abandoned)12.01.2025DLords TerraDwarf0Player is not in an alliance !-235/-85
Drakebeard1 (Abandoned)12.01.20251Dwarf484Player is not in an alliance !544/302
Hannibal BarcaTerra3 (Abandoned)12.01.20251Human475Player is not in an alliance !-128/-619
Hydro7 (Abandoned)12.01.2025Terra 7Human54Player is not in an alliance !-388/-493
Peca (Abandoned)12.01.2025Peca's PadHuman256Player is not in an alliance !-158/-588
rhaps2 (Abandoned)12.01.2025TerraHomeHuman450Player is not in an alliance !-505/-380
rhaps2 (Abandoned)12.01.2025New SettlementHuman0Player is not in an alliance !-656/-894
Tanner (Abandoned)12.01.2025New SettlementHuman0Player is not in an alliance !-256/575
Tanner1 (Abandoned)12.01.2025New SettlementHuman0Player is not in an alliance !219/589
Bobby 2 (Abandoned)13.01.2025My TownHuman239Player is not in an alliance !-607/96
ErenTerraThree (Abandoned)13.01.2025TerraCentralHuman452Player is not in an alliance !607/100
ErenTerraThree (Abandoned)13.01.2025New SettlementHuman0Player is not in an alliance !848/-17
FenrisCU (Abandoned)13.01.2025MoorabbinHuman450Player is not in an alliance !-450/-442
ObelixTerra3 (Abandoned)13.01.20251Human473Player is not in an alliance !-585/-213
ObelixTerra3 (Abandoned)13.01.2025New SettlementHuman0Player is not in an alliance !-389/532
WBT 1 (Abandoned)13.01.2025Remy's PlotDwarf0Player is not in an alliance !-825/-3289
WBT 1 (Abandoned)13.01.2025Wallys TownDwarf52Player is not in an alliance !334/183


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